Trouble In Mind
Trouble in Mind, Scene 1
About the Playwright
Alice Childress

Alice Childress (1912-1994) was an actress, novelist, and playwright. Born in Charleston, South Carolina, she moved to Harlem at age five, where she was raised by her grandmother. Alice’s grandmother encouraged her love of writing, and Alice found inspiration in her family’s stories as well as the lives of the people around her. In particular, the stories she heard at weekly church events inspired her to focus on the lives of urban African-Americans. Alice developed a passion for theatre and at…
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One Play at a Time Participating Universities
Maya Cantu
Bennington College
Bennington College
Paula Cizmar
University of Souther California
University of Souther California
Philip Dawkins
Loyola University, Chicago
Loyola University, Chicago
Jacqueline Goldfnger
University of the Arts
University of the Arts
Lisa Hodge Kander
Wayne State University
Wayne State University
Lindsay Brandon Hunter
University at Buffalo, SUNY
University at Buffalo, SUNY
Hillary Miller
Cal State University Northridge
Cal State University Northridge
Evan Mueller
Western Washington University
Western Washington University
Ann White
Michigan State University
Michigan State University